Over 10 years of research I self-administered 157 different drugs, and from those, methamphetamine was the one with which I lost most control. I would have snorted and snorted and snorted through whatever supply I had available. Luckily, however, I had taken precautions and although I intended to use 50mg, I had taken warnings seriously and limited my overall stash to 100mg (which of course I got through without a second thought).
Hardly surprisingly, I had a wonderful time, but… the subsequent downer lasted and lasted and lasted. I still hark back to certain aspects of it to this day. I can easily see how it leads to tragedy for some people. I think the horror stories are generally true, so if you are going to use it despite this, do your research properly and extensively, and don’t skip any of the safety measures.
For the immediate aftermath the same recovery techniques I have mentioned for other stimulants also apply to this: good food, fruit juice, a little exercise, vitamins, sleep if you can, etc. The solution to post-session depression most definitely isn’t to take more. It obviously isn’t one to play with, and generally I suggest that it isn’t worth the risk even for an isolated experiment.