According to Wikipedia, protest art is “the creative works produced by activists and social movements. It is a traditional means of communication, utilised by a cross section of collectives and the state to inform and persuade citizens.”
This particular piece looks quite simple (because it is) although it took quite a while to put together. These are 36 of the 157 psychoactives I self-administered for the writing of The Drug Users Bible.
Whilst the headline message may be obvious, the underlying intent may not be. This is that an awareness of the common appearance of some of the drugs is a basic harm reduction issue, and within this it is important to understand that some drugs can take a multitude of forms.
Listed row by row:
Methamphetamine, Xanax, Morning Glory Seeds, Heroin, Opium, Yopo Seeds
2C-B-Fly, 3-FPM, 1P-LSD, Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds, Cannabis, Amphetamine
GHB, Diazepam, Celastrus Paniculatus Seeds, Kratom, Psilocybe Cubensis Mushrooms, 2C-I
MDMA, Pyrazolam, Noopept, Rapé, 2AI, Ubulawu
Adderall, Etizolam, Kola Nut, Valerian Root, Cocaine, DXM
Clonazolam, MXP, AL-LAD, San Pedro Cactus, Salvia Divinorum, Street Hash
From these, the psychedelics are: Morning Glory Seeds (1,3); Yopo Seeds (1,6); 2C-B-Fly (2,1); 1P-LSD (2,3); HBWS (2,4); Psilocybe Cubensis Mushrooms (3,5); 2C-I (3,6); AL-LAD (6,3); San Pedro Cactus (6,4); Salvia Divinorum (6,5).
The cannabis comprising the letter ‘P’ is gelato. The hash in the bottom right-hand corner is Moroccan.
The list of the full 157 ordered by classification can be viewed here:
I retain absolute confidence in the validity of one of my signature phrases: Prohibition kills, education saves lives.