The Shamanic Aphrodisiac & Chemsex Drug
My experience report, as extracted from The Drug Users Bible:
Classified by Erowid as a stimulant and vasodilator, yohimbe is a strange one, to say the least.
At lower and moderate doses it has been used as an aphrodisiac since ancient times. Consistent with this, it has latterly been employed in tantric based sexual rituals and to treat erectile dysfunction. At higher doses, however, it is widely reported to be hallucinogenic, and it is suggested that it has been used as an additive in iboga rituals.
However, scratching further below the surface uncovers another side to this coin. The ratio of effective dose to fatal dose is low. In other words, it is relatively easy to overdose, with tragic consequences. With this in mind, I tread particularly carefully.
For my first experiment, a couple of years ago, I brewed a tea using 3 grams of bark. I recall a very clear and specific stimulation, and accordingly, marked it as +** on the adapted Shulgin scale. I also noted some aphrodisiacal effects. As my notes were brief, however, I am repeating the exercise, using the same batch.
I again measure 3g, and immerse it in boiling water, using my handy-sized teapot with a built-in filter. I stir periodically until it is cool enough to drink.
T+0:00 I pour the first cup and begin to sip the tea. It has a mild woody taste, with the lightest of tang. It is not at all unpleasant. [4:40pm]
T+0:30 As I finish the last cup, I feel a light buzz about the head. A certain mental alertness is developing, inclusive of a gentle headspace that has a dreamlike recreational edge.
Physically, I feel much warmer than earlier.
Regarding its aphrodisiacal properties, there is certainly enhanced and sustained interest. I can also report that there is no stim-dick in play.
T+1:00 I am now very warm and a little sweaty, which of course is a fairly typical reaction with respect to chemical stimulants. The head buzz has not dissipated at all during the last half an hour. The sexual aspect remains prominent too. This isn’t debilitating in any way, and is quite pleasant.
T+1:30 I feel more settled at this point: still nicely charged, but not as intensely. Physically, I remain warm, and I feel a little tingly and flushed.
The effects, thus far, have been surprisingly distinct, and positive.
T+2:00 The experience continues to roll, but is drifting down and slowly heading towards base.
My blood pressure is 140/82. This is slightly above norm, as would be expected, but not significantly. Pulse is a fairly standard 56.
T+3:00 After three hours I am lingering in a positive and energised place. This is a very nice comedown.
The comedown was indeed pleasant and gentle, and I remained invigorated until I retired to bed at about 11pm. The night’s sleep was very good, and included significant dream time.
There is no doubt whatsoever that this is an aphrodisiac. This feature, along with the stimulation, was prolonged and clearly evident, and from my own personal journey is unsurpassed in the botanical field. The stimulation had a heady edge which made it recreational, and not merely functional.
What a pity about those dangers. Without this facet I would certainly be exploring this again, and at higher doses.
I thoroughly enjoyed this experience. Note: See also Iboga (page 265).
Whilst this was extremely effective, it is clearly not a path to embark upon without thorough consideration and evaluation of the risks. If in doubt, don’t do it.